Mangosteen Electric Chopper Bike:How Was Your Experience?

We got our first Mangosteen electric Electric Chopper Bike about 5 years ago and have taken it to work every day, to school for the kids, to use the trailer, for thousands of miles, and on extended trips by car and plane. 

It is faster than walking, requires little effort other than balance, and can be as fast as a bicycle without having to pedal or hunch over. They can also use the right of way for bicycles. Because of their low center of gravity, they can be easily dismounted with a single step. They are very manageable at low speeds and can keep pace with pedestrians.

There is a very cool and unique yet familiar perspective of having the speed and agility of a skateboard or bicycle while exploring an area in an upright position.

Convenience and electric power conserve personal energy for the rest of the day, much like a car. Exercise is not the goal, but it allows you to travel around the world in a way that only your feet or a bicycle can. The agility of balancing and moving through terrain is fun and rewarding. You can easily tour with cyclists, which you can't do on foot, and you won't be sweaty and tired when you arrive at your destination.

You can buy any bike you want: a $10,000 carbon fiber, top of the class, rugged mountain bike with suspension all the way down a cascading descent, or a cheap, fast-built, heavy bike for just a few dollars but not really great.

With Electric Chopper Bikes, you also get what you pay for, and it is best to choose wisely. A lot of things matter. 

You need a dependable vehicle for your daily commute that is sturdy, reliable, and easily repairable. Finding this in an electric Electric Chopper Bike can be difficult.

There are a few things to consider


Is it well made and assembled? Is it durable and reliable? Is it smartly and simply designed? Can it handle situations such as driving back and forth on an urban roadway?


To approach the range of a bicycle, a lithium battery is needed and must recharge well. Electric Electric Chopper Bikes are not kick Electric Chopper Bikes; batteries that can go more than 10 miles are usually quite expensive.


 it's easy not to realize that you've gone quite a distance on a bicycle, and fuel (electric) is only a matter of your body, not your bicycle. If you want to keep up with bicyclists, you should have a range of 20 miles. What the Electric Chopper Bike manufacturers say is probably quite optimistic. Always bring a means of charging and be prepared that there are many places that will not let you charge.


 disc brakes would be ideal. They will probably be bike parts and can be easily repaired. Front and rear are ideal. Electric motor brakes can also be used, but the motors wear out and are difficult for amateurs to repair.


 - the bigger the better, but air is important for suspension and fatigue reduction. Our Electric Chopper Bike has 10" air tires.

Our Mangosteen Electric Chopper Bike makes a huge difference in comfort and ultimately practicality. We had used the same Electric Chopper Bike without suspension before this, and while the air tires were gray and helpful, nothing handles unexpected bumps and holes in the road like real suspension. As bicyclists know, the road is a lot crappier than we think.

Several new Chinese manufacturers are starting to add this sort of long travel capability to their Electric Chopper Bikes.

We use MC style handlebars, which attach with standard bicycle equipment and have excellent aftermarket grips. The handle pole folding option is great for getting the Electric Chopper Bike in and out of the vehicle.

The deck size is one of the things we like about our Electric Chopper Bike, plenty of room for a balanced surf/skate-like stance. Many Electric Chopper Bikes can barely ride two feet on a deck that is too narrow or only side by side, which also feels unnatural.

LIghting is highly recommended. In our experience, Electric Chopper Bikes that stand up to real commuting should be made for it. That means they cost the same as bicycles.

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